Sex Crime Charges / Sexual Assault
A reputation takes a lifetime to earn and establish. Charges of sexual nature can derail what you have worked for and earned very quickly. The stigmatizing effects of these charges can have a lasting negative impact upon yourself, your family and your career. Any allegation of this nature must be met with a reasoned and critical defence that rigorously examines all aspects of the Crown’s case and the underlying circumstance of the allegation.
Contact our office for a free initial consultation.
Let's talk
Loyalty Law Group takes the time to get to know our clients on a personal level. We assess the credibility of the alleged victim, determine how best to present your side, demonstrate your credibility in court, and challenge the credibility of the complainant.
Sex crimes are a serious matter, and if you are suspected of one, you should retain a Loyalty Law Group criminal defence lawyer who will vigorously defend your case. If the police want to speak with you about a sex crime, contact our firm immediately.